Dining room management: tables' mapping & merging
The algorithm helps optimze customers placement & reservations
With the algorithm (always optimized!)
Easy fix
* $1'560/year
* $100/month
Dining room management, fee $250 / restaurant
190 CHF* 1ère implémentation
290 CHF* 1ère implémentation
390 CHF* 1ère implémentation
“Futuraurant is a Web App and an innovative restaurant management platform. Its unique algorithm optimizes dining room placement in real time, by syncing all restaurant’s on-site and online applications. Its ability to create optimal seating arrangement right at customer check in will save considerable time and money. Hospitality businesses can now rely on a new technology that meets their needs instantly in a fast-paced environment. No paper, no headaches, just a user-friendly platform that will enhance customer experience. The iOS and Android App Reservaurant will enable customers to find available seating at the company venues through the app directly and therefore eliminating wait times with traditional phone, text or email contacts.”
Register and enjoy all the benefits of the Futuraurant platform!